About Us
As an expat couple, we love the cuisine here in Belgium. However, like us, you may miss certain comforts of home. So we started American Groceries Belgium in 2020. Now we're rebranding to American Groceries Europe as we expand!
We decided to bring the comforts of home to Europe, without high shipping charges.
We started by stocking what we miss. Feel free to tell us what you would like!
Charitable Partnerships
We sponsor charitable organizations through monetary donations, gift certificates, fundraising items. Organizations including: American Women's Club of Brussels, The American Club of Brussels, the Brussels Tigers, Relay for Life, Brussels Sports Association, and numerous FAWCO clubs.
We Take Sustainability Seriously
Our packing material is all recycled and the "packing peanuts" are made of wood chips and can be dissolved in water for compost. We also participate in the Too Good to Go initiative by providing products past their Best Before Date on the Too Good To Go app. Check it out today for great surprise bags from us and other businesses!