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New Product test! Don Enrico's Mexico Guacamole Dip. We've also got jalapeno cheddar dip

Guacamole Dip by Don Enrico

5,99 €Preis
  • 250 grams

    Ingredients: Water, SKIMMED YOGHURT, sunflower oil, avocado (9%), tomatoes, peppers, onions, mango, BUTTERMILK, jalapeño chillies, lemon juice, spices, table salt, spice extract, MILK PROTEIN, sugar, garlic, modified starch, thickener: guar gum.


    Ingrédients de la trempette : Eau, YAOURT ÉCRÉMÉ, huile de tournesol, avocat (9 %), tomates, poivrons, oignons, mangue, BEURRE, piments jalapeño, jus de citron, épices, sel de table, extrait d'épices, PROTÉINES DE LAIT, sucre, ail, amidon modifié. , épaississant : gomme guar.


    Dip Ingrediënten: Water, magere YOGHURT, zonnebloemolie, avocado (9%), tomaten, paprika, uien, mango, KARNEMELK, jalapeño pepers, citroensap, specerijen, keukenzout, kruidenextract, MELKEIWIT, suiker, knoflook, gemodificeerd zetmeel , verdikkingsmiddel: guargom.

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