Jell-O is here! Customers asked and we're beginning to stock different flavors.
JELLO Cherry Gelatin
3 oz. Vegetarian, Gluten Free
Ingredients: Sugar, Gelatin, Adipic Acid, Contains Less than 2% Disodium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Fumaric Acid, Artificial Flavor, Blue 1, Red 40.
Gelatine-ingrediënten: suiker, gelatine, adipinezuur, bevat minder dan 2% dinatriumfosfaat, natriumcitraat, fumaarzuur, kunstmatige smaakstof, blauw 1, rood 40.
Ingrédients : sucre, gélatine, acide adipique, contient moins de 2 % de phosphate disodique, citrate de sodium, acide fumarique, arôme artificiel, bleu 1, rouge 40.