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Just add sour cream and start enjoying! Suggestion: Look for "creme epaisse" when you go to the grocery store for the sour cream!

Ranch Dip Mix Packet by Hidden Valley

4,49 €Precio
  • Vegetarian (not vegan).   28g / 1oz.


    Ingredients: Maltodextrin, Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Dried Onion, Spices, Dried Garlic, Carrageenan, Calcium Stearate, Buttermilk.


    Ingrediënten dressing: maltodextrine, zout, mononatriumglutamaat, gedroogde ui, kruiden, gedroogde knoflook, carrageen, calciumstearaat, karnemelk.


    Ingrédients de la vinaigrette : maltodextrine, sel, glutamate monosodique, oignon séché, épices, ail séché, carraghénine, stéarate de calcium, babeurre.

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